Try Before You Buy

Updated: Dec 26, 2020

Finally some of the big bike chains have woken up to the idea that it’s important to get the right e-bike first time than to buy ‘blind’.

Just a couple of points…

We have of course always done this. We can actually ride with you and explain HOW to ride an ebike… Sure anyone can sit on an e-bike and pedal but we can show you:

  • how best to tackle any hill, (it depends on the bike technology)
  • how to make riding feel good and
  • how to get the best range and life from your battery!

Unless you want to combine your shopping trip with buying some screen wash or a tent, it’s better to come to a dedicated bike shop where each bike has been tested and ridden by passionate and expert staff who exactly know the quality and the riding experience.

We stock a large range of current technology models and know how to fit them exactly for you at no extra cost. We deliver them (locally) ready to ride.

Some of the bikes you see on the one major-name website are not actually supplied by them. They don’t necessarily even see them. These e-bikes are supplied by a 3rd party bike warehouse and won’t be in the stores. My quick look found lots of older technology bikes being offered, some that could not possibly be in stock and – who do you go to when things are not as they should be?

The ” own brands” can be actually good value. They have massive buying power and their own branded components are actually pretty good for what they are … value bikes. (Take a look on ebay though).

So summing it up..

Buying is a choice and that choice is yours. Why would you know otherwise that there is a difference? It’s good to do your research and visit for example Halfords (or other chain-stores/internet sellers) but at least come and talk to us before you buy. You will enjoy the experience and hopefully notice the difference. We don’t sell cheap bikes. Our bikes start at £1000 and very few come from China (except the ones we have tested and love ourselves and can’t find better!). More importantly you can go away knowing you have bought the right bike for you… not just one that looks ok on paper or that we just happen to sell!


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